For several years, DKCERT has conducted statistical surveys of the information security of Danish citizens.
On behalf of the Danish Agency for Digitisation, DKCERT conducted a survey of the information security of Danish citizens in 2013, 2014, and 2015. The reports were based on data from questionnaire surveys carried out by Statistics Denmark among a representative sample of the Danish population.
The reports contain information about what threats citizens are exposed to, and how they protect themselves.
In 2016, the report was expanded to also include data about the information security of public servants and private employees.
The reports are in Danish and may be downloaded here in PDF format.
- Borgernes informationssikkerhed 2013 (this report also contains an analysis of the security of mobile payment solutions)
- Borgernes informationssikkerhed 2014
- Borgernes informationssikkerhed 2015
- Danskernes informationssikkerhed 2016