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DKCERT modtager i øjeblikket flere henvendelser omkring de såkaldte sextortion-udsendelser.

I DKCERT har vi modtaget flere e-mails fra bekymrede borgere, der er blevet afpresset via en metode, som kaldes sextortion og er en særlig form for sexafpresning.

Fælles for de henvendelse, som vi har modtaget er, at ofret har fået en mail, der påstår, at afsenderen har intime billeder eller videoer af modtageren i kompromitterende situationer af sexuel karakter.

Billeder eller videoer er ifølge den kriminelle optaget med kameraet på ofrets egen computer.

Angriberen påstår, at han har adgangskoden til den lokale maskine og på denne vis har optaget film eller billeder, mens ofret har besøgt pornosider.

For at dokumentere at de påståede billeder eller videofilm eksisterer, vedlægger den kriminelle et password, som ofret tidligere har anvendt. Disse passwords er typisk opsamlet i forbindelse med data-brud, men er altså gamle adgangskoder.

Bagmændene kræver penge for at ofret kan undgå, at materialet bliver offentliggjort til eksempelvis Facebook-venner.

Eksempel på svindel-mail:

I will directly come to the point. I'm aware [fjernet af DKCERT] is your password. More importantly, I know about your secret and I have proof of your secret. You don't know me and nobody employed me to look into you. 

It is just your hard luck that I stumbled across your misadventures. Actually, I actually placed a malware on the adult videos (porn) and you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your internet browser started out working as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) with a key logger which provided me with access to your display and also web cam. Just after that, my software program obtained all your contacts from messenger, social networks, as well as mailbox. 

After that I gave in more hours than I should've investigating into your life and made a two view video. First part displays the video you had been viewing and 2nd part displays the recording of your webcam (its you doing dirty things). 

Honestly, I am willing to forget exactly about you and allow you to continue with your regular life. And I will provide you two options that will achieve that. The above options are either to ignore this letter, or perhaps pay me $ 2900. Let’s investigate above two options in details. 

First Option is to ignore this mail. Let us see what is going to happen if you choose this option. I will, no doubt send your video recording to your contacts including relatives, coworkers, etc. It does not help you avoid the humiliation your household will face when friends and family uncover your dirty details from me. 

Second Option is to pay me $ 2900. We will call it my “confidentiality tip”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I'll erase the recording immediately. You go on with your daily life that nothing like this ever occurred. 

Now you must be thinking, “I will complain to the police”. Without a doubt, I have covered my steps in order that this e-mail cannot be linked back to me also it won't stay away from the evidence from destroying your daily life. I'm not planning to steal all your savings. I just want to get compensated for time I put into investigating you. Let's assume you decide to create all this disappear completely and pay me my confidentiality fee. You'll make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoins" in google search) 

Amount to be sent: $ 2900 


Der er ingen grund til panik, og du skal ikke betale afpresningspenge. Du kan rette henvendelse til politiet, hvis du føler dig utryg. Ellers slet mailen og skift dine adgangskoder.


New sextortion scheme uses victims’ real password for blackmailing, artikel fra HackRead.

Sextortion scam knows your password, but don’t fall for it, artikel fra NakedSecurity.